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The public career site with meeting the corporate branding and offering many user-friendly solutions supports the company’s HR branding goals. Among others these are the readable URLs (SEF URL), social media functions (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), responsive design, standard structure, significant browser support, user-friendly registration templates, targeted job listings and compliance with data privacy regulations.
Our ATS solutions is completely Internet-based, for security reasons it’s only available from Intranet or application server authentication precedes the administrator site’s loading. All operations on the admin site are being logged, including personal data views. Log files only available for authorized users and can’t be modified or deleted. Current data-protection laws and standards are supported.
You can advertise positions for external or internal (only for employees) target groups, thus we can publish a different description for our internal applicants. Jobs can be easily shared via any social platform or can be forwarded in e-mail. On the admin site you can easily manage your advertising channels transparently. We also support automatized, xml based or semi-automatic, via e-mail advertisement posting. While closing a search you can easily notify the candidates with open applications.
Candidates can apply through well-designed registration process to the partners unified database while they can apply to multiple jobs at the same time. The system recognizes and warns if there are any duplications. HR admins can attach candidates to a fitting job or move them to a potential opportunity. Multiple filter and search options are available not only in the filled data but also in the uploaded document, which makes easy to database filtering and pre-screening.
In recruitment and selection processes, the management of applications is facilitated by evaluation, commenting, labeling, and extensive filtering options. Selection events are interviews, tests, ACs are comprehensively supported. The system provides full-range e-mail notifications for applicants. The functions associated with the selection events can be carried out as group operation, and there is a possibility to book a meeting room in the system.
Applications submitted to the system can be traced, we can get information from which site the candidate came to the Career site. This data can be updated manually, but the system can overwrite it based on Google Analytics. As part of the basic system, Career Portal provides a number of reports and diagrams with export opportunity in xls/csv format, which makes the recruitment - , selection processes and the advertising channels‘ efficiency measurable and we can get information about the database composition.
Both the Career Portal's internal and candidate sites are available in multiple languages. The Career site’s content is fully customizable on the admin site, the HR team can add, edit and inactivate application forms, message templates, advertising channels. Site management supports the different recruitment flows, advertisements and user permissions. Each role in the system is customizable to meet the company’s needs, so after the login the available functions and data amount can change depending on the role’s permissions (e.g.: HR administrator, Manager, Super administrator).
With the headhunter module the headhunter company’s representatives can be easily assigned to a position, thus they can upload their candidates on their own administration surface. Our newest technological solution is the CV Parse, which uses artificial intelligence to scan uploaded or via e-mail forwarded resumes and gets the data needed for the application. By using our asynchrony video interview module, different time zone and location problems can be bridged. The employees’ entry process and follow-up is supported by our HRM module.